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  • +91 - 9927515556, 01332-297538
  • Scholars Academy, Near Shani Dev Temple, Roorkee - Haridwar Road, Roorkee
EduChanger Solutions

Scholars Academy Roorkee

EduChanger Solutions

Wellbeing Centre

The school houses a well-equipped medical room accessible during school hours. Very skilled professionals are in attendance to ensure all emergencies are treated with utmost care and attention. A full – time family physician and staff nurse is present in school keeping in readiness, emergency medicines and medical apparatus.

Regular medical checkups and eye checkups are done and proper medical records of students are maintained – once a year / thrice a year (if needed) coupled with valuable suggestions. Students are mentored on the various aspects of diseases (Health education), first aid, life style and diet management techniques and stress management (aided with yoga & meditation). The importance of immunization is highlighted.

EduChanger Solutions